Friday, November 2, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            I have always loved to watch movies and there are many movies that I have enjoyed watching but there are a few that I love to watch over and over and over again. When I was little my favorite movie in the whole world was The Lion King. Although The Lion King is still a great movie and it will always be one of my favorites I grew up. In middle school I started to like action movies more than other genres, so either Iron Man or Transformers was my favorite movie during this time. Now that I am a senior in high school I have seen a lot of movies and I believe that the top four movies that have came out on the big screen since freshmen year are probably Avatar, The Hangover, Fast Five, and The Avengers. There are still plenty of movies to see and some I will only watch once or twice, but there will also be a few of those that I will love to watch over and over and over again.

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