Monday, November 19, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            My early years of high school were spent on academics, athletics, and friends. Freshman year I took mostly required classes like American History, Health, SCAP, Physical Science, English I, and Algebra I. I took Art and Design and Spanish I as my two electives. Sophomore year I had more elective hours so I took 2D Art, Spanish II, and Agricultural Science I. The required classes I took were Biology, Geometry, English II, World History, and Personal Finance. Junior year came with Algebra II, English III, and AP Government and Politics. SCAP, Agricultural Science II, and Photography and Media were my electives junior year.
            Every year of high school my sport of choice was wrestling. My freshman year I was nervous because of the new wrestling room, new people, and the new rules. I don’t feel like I did very well my freshman year but Coach Bradley thinks I did pretty well for my first year of high school wrestling. Sophomore year I didn’t take a SCAP class; I was weaker and I didn’t win very many matches. My junior year that all changed, because I was more confident and I was back in the weight room. I finished the season with a winning record.
            I have kept most of my friends throughout high school. I have made many through out my years at Monett High School, but I have lost very few. Nothing has happened that was tragic enough to split us up and I hope nothing ever will. Freshman, sophomore, and junior year my friends have helped get me through high school alive. I am now into my senior year, my last year, and I have them to thank.

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