Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

             My fourth grade year was the only year I spent entirely in Chouteau Oklahoma. I cannot remember my fourth grade teacher’s name I only remember that she was a middle-aged woman who loved to teach. I remember that she liked to make origami and I can still remember some of the origami figures she taught us to make.
            I started my fifth grade year in Chouteau but moved back to Monett before the end of the first quarter. Mrs. Powers was my homeroom teacher. Her main subject was math but also taught us reading and writing. Science class with Mrs. Huntress was probably my favorite class. We learned about plants and animals in her class. For some reason we always did some math in our social studies class. Also we learned about our state and the Native Americans.
            Sixth grade year my homeroom teacher was Mrs. Rutherford, our reading teacher. After reading we went to science class and learned about earth sciences.
Communication arts class was next and the teacher sometimes brought her guitar into class. I don’t remember much about my geography class or the teacher, but I do remember winning the school wide geography bee. Hot topics was a math class where we learned how to problem solve with brain teasers and word problems. Mrs. Head was my math teacher and I don’t think many people liked her. She had a problem where she would constantly blink I found myself wondering how she moved around the room without tripping on something.

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