Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            The town I currently live in, Monett, is where I grew up. I spent my first five or six years of my life living at my grandparents house on their ten acres outside of town. My grandparent’s house was a doublewide trailer with a playhouse, a trampoline, and a pool in the enclosed front yard. I spent my days playing in the yard pretending to be the action heroes I saw on the television.
Behind my grandparent’s trailer was my aunt’s house and behind that was my uncle’s workshop that was merely a singlewide trailer with tools and car parts on the floor. My uncle and other aunt lived behind the shop and I used to visit them almost everyday helping with the chores and talking with them.
Back then the pond behind their house was always full of water and life. I would sit out on the edge of the water and listen to the frogs croak and the birds sing. The dragonflies would land on the lily pads just to be scooped up unexpectedly by a frog that was waiting in ambush. Many minutes of my young life were wasted trying to catch all of these creatures.

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