Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            I cannot remember who my very fist crush was, but one of my crushes that I can remember was one of my best friends in fifth grade. She was a little taller than I was at the time and she had one of the most amazing smiles I have seen. We were always flirting with each other and playing with each other on the playground.
Her and I were together in Mrs. Power’s homeroom class. Some memories I have that I can remember include when I came to class with a mohawk and she said it was as tall as a pencil or on Valentines Day when I gave her a special card that was bigger than all the rest. At lunch she would sit next to me and we would trade lunches.
If she was interested in me back I cant recall if she ever really showed any signs of it. Although we spent a lot of time together I was never sure that she liked me as anything more than a friend. I was planning to ask her to be my girlfriend on the last day of fifth grade year, but I chickened out at the last minute. I believe that it was for the best that we never got together because I never really got to see her after that. In sixth grade and on I didn’t have any classes with her.

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