Friday, September 21, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            I can still remember my first day of kindergarten at Monett Elementary and how I was so nervous and afraid. I put my things in my cubby and went into the classroom. I cannot remember my teacher’s name but I do remember that I had a little crush on her.
            Some memories of my early years in elementary school are when two girls chanting the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song were chasing my girlfriend at the time and I during recess or playing computer games in my first grade class. I can still remember doing a project on hammerhead sharks in the third grade and learning songs to help me learn my multiplication tables. At recess I was always playing on the monkey bars and the jungle gyms. My early years of school were great and sometimes I wish I were still in elementary school with recess, naptime, and show and tell.

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