Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            It’s finally my senior year and so far it has been a good one. I always thought my senior year was going to be a slacker year, but I have kept myself busy between my classes, yearbook, FFA, and wrestling. Currently I am enrolled in Environmental Science, English IV, Cub Time, Wildlife Conservation and Management, Auto Collision Repair II, Yearbook, and SCAP. Next semester I need to take Sociology, so I am dropping out of Cub Time. Yearbook so far has eaten up most of my time having to go to games and take pictures, but wrestling is starting up and this is where most of my time will be spent on this winter.
            The upcoming events in my senior year are prom and graduation. Apparently I am going to have to go to prom because my friends are forcing me to. I am going to ask my girlfriend to go with me but I have a strong feeling the answer will be no, so I will most likely go with a group of my friends. I have mixed feelings about graduation. Yes I’m happy to finally get out of school, but I know that this will most likely be the last time I see most of my friends. My family and friends will be there when I walk up onto the stage to receive my diploma and they will be so proud.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            My early years of high school were spent on academics, athletics, and friends. Freshman year I took mostly required classes like American History, Health, SCAP, Physical Science, English I, and Algebra I. I took Art and Design and Spanish I as my two electives. Sophomore year I had more elective hours so I took 2D Art, Spanish II, and Agricultural Science I. The required classes I took were Biology, Geometry, English II, World History, and Personal Finance. Junior year came with Algebra II, English III, and AP Government and Politics. SCAP, Agricultural Science II, and Photography and Media were my electives junior year.
            Every year of high school my sport of choice was wrestling. My freshman year I was nervous because of the new wrestling room, new people, and the new rules. I don’t feel like I did very well my freshman year but Coach Bradley thinks I did pretty well for my first year of high school wrestling. Sophomore year I didn’t take a SCAP class; I was weaker and I didn’t win very many matches. My junior year that all changed, because I was more confident and I was back in the weight room. I finished the season with a winning record.
            I have kept most of my friends throughout high school. I have made many through out my years at Monett High School, but I have lost very few. Nothing has happened that was tragic enough to split us up and I hope nothing ever will. Freshman, sophomore, and junior year my friends have helped get me through high school alive. I am now into my senior year, my last year, and I have them to thank.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            Growing up I was not one of the more popular kids. I was shy and I believed that I had absolutely no friends until the fifth grade when I returned to Monett. During intermediate school my best friend was probably Trevor Duff. We had the same homeroom class taught by Mrs. Powers. Memories of how our friendship started have faded but it has lasted and we are still friends today.
            In middle school I was finally starting to get more sociable and more friends. I wasn’t with the same kids all day any more instead in every class there were different faces all except one face. The face belonged to a Jacob Vought whom I had most of my classes with. I think just the sheer amount of time we had together everyday made our friendship. There were times when he got on my nerves and I wished I didn’t have to spend all day with him but it worked out and we are still friends.
            High school is when my socialness blossomed. I have many friends all with different backgrounds and personalities. Its hard to pick just one as a best friend but I would have to say that Delann Eden is probably the one I would choose. Some reasons I would choose her are that she is funny, smart, fun to be around, and not afraid to be herself. She is one of my best friends and one I hope I will never lose.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            I have always loved to watch movies and there are many movies that I have enjoyed watching but there are a few that I love to watch over and over and over again. When I was little my favorite movie in the whole world was The Lion King. Although The Lion King is still a great movie and it will always be one of my favorites I grew up. In middle school I started to like action movies more than other genres, so either Iron Man or Transformers was my favorite movie during this time. Now that I am a senior in high school I have seen a lot of movies and I believe that the top four movies that have came out on the big screen since freshmen year are probably Avatar, The Hangover, Fast Five, and The Avengers. There are still plenty of movies to see and some I will only watch once or twice, but there will also be a few of those that I will love to watch over and over and over again.