Friday, August 24, 2012

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            My name is Corry Seandale Skipper. My mom and dad are to blame for my odd middle name. Sean came from my mom, because she is a big fan of Sean Connery so she wanted me to be named after him and my dad wanted to name me Dale after my great grandfather Odell. They decided to put the names together and have my middle name be Seandale.
            I have lived in the country nearly my whole life; I prefer living in the country, because it is quieter, calmer, there is less drama, and it smells better. My house is about a mile off of Z highway. I share a roughly five-acre plot of land with my grandma, uncle, and aunt.
            I don’t have many life goals, but my main goal is to be happy. If I am going to get anywhere in life I am going to have to work hard. I want to have a good paying job that I actually enjoy. My dream is the American dream, a house that I own, land, a wife, kids, and a big dog.
            I think I’m an average looking person. My height is about 5 foot 9 inches, I am skinny, and I look the best when my hair is long. Growing up, I have always been shorter and smaller than my peers. According to my BMI I am underweight, but no matter what I do I can’t gain weight because of my high metabolism.
            I am a proud member of my local FFA chapter. Also I am a member of my high school yearbook staff and I wrestle. Currently I have my Chapter Degree in FFA and I am one of the top 10 members. Taking pictures and working as a team is fun so I decided to join the yearbook staff this year and so far it seems to be going good. For four years I have wrestled and I have won two bronze metals, three or four silver metals, and one gold metal.

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