Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            When I was a young child I played many games. I spent most of my time playing video games and playing in the front yard. Some of the video games I played when I was young were Super Mario Brothers I, II, and III on the Nintendo Entertainment System; Spyro the Dragon; Crash Bandicoot III; Tomb Raider; and Gran Turismo on the PlayStation One. I can’t count all of the times I beat my favorite video game, Crash Bandicoot III.
            I didn’t spend all of my childhood locked up in doors playing video games. When I was young I preferred to play outside more. Most of the games I played outside were the normal hide and seek, tag, cops and robbers, ghosts in the graveyard, hot lava, Marco polo, red light green light, and Simon says. Also I used to play make believe games like house and school with my aunt and cousin. I spent most of my time as a child playing many games.

Dear Senior Memory Book,

            Getting my driver’s license was very exciting for me. It took me three tries to get it. The reason I failed the first time was because I went ten miles per hour over on one street. I accidently didn’t stop for a stop sign on my second attempt. Finally on my third try I passed with a ninety-six percent. The only part I messed up on was I forgot to engage my emergency brake when I parked.
            My first vehicle is a 1967 Chevrolet pick up truck. It gets about twelve miles per gallon and is a strange fusion of baby blue, primer grey, and rust. I cannot complain too much because it was free and it gets me where I need to go. Someone’s first vehicle isn’t supposed to be the best thing out there it is just something that is reliable and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. One day I hope I can get enough money to give it a make over. It’s an old truck and I hope I can get it into truck shows one day.

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